“What if the earth talks to us to get us to arrange its amusements?”In this distressing episode of “Something Pretty,” the hosts soldier on through digestive discomfort to dissect the intense season finale, “Boy-the-Earth-Talks-To.” As they analyze the complex dynamics...
“Every day takes figuring out all over again how to fucking live.” Welcome to “Something Pretty,” where Wes and Clay embark on a thought-provoking journey through the first episode of Deadwood’s third and final season, “Tell Your God to Ready...
“To work for crumbs or to keep from the lash says maybe a slave’s what you are.” Welcome to another engaging episode of “Something Pretty,” where Wes and Clay delve deep into the intricacies of the second episode of Deadwood’s...
“It’s the learning fuckin’ nothin’, Al, that keeps me young.” Welcome to another captivating episode of “Something Pretty,” where Wes and Clay dive deep into the third episode of Deadwood’s third and final season, “True Colors.” In this thought-provoking podcast,...
“Shall I accompany as your second? My obvious unsuitability might confuse him.” Welcome back to another enlightening episode of “Something Pretty,” where Wes and Clay deeply dive into the fourth episode of Deadwood’s third and final season, “Full Faith and...
“When I say “Go fuck yourself,” Sheriff, will you put that down to drunkenness or a high estimate of your athleticism?” Welcome back to another riveting episode of “Something Pretty,” where Wes and Clay dissect the fifth episode of Deadwood’s...
“We are swept up, are we not, by the large events and forces of our times?” Welcome back to “Something Pretty,” where Wes and Clay dive deep into the Deadwood episode “A Rich Find.” In this podcast, the hosts unravel...
“Power comes to any man who has the color.” Welcome again to “Something Pretty,” your companion through the enthralling narrative of Deadwood. In this exploration, we dive into the stimulating and widely praised “Unauthorized Cinnamon,” the seventh episode of Deadwood’s...
“You are less majestically neutral than cloaking your cowardice in principle?” Welcome back to “Something Pretty,” your window into the intricate world of Deadwood. In this episode, we’ll be diving deep into “Leviathan Smiles,” the eighth and penultimate episode of...
“If you can cartwheel or puff your cheeks like a fish, we have a festivity tonight. I’ll live in hope you’ll attend.” Welcome back to “Something Pretty“, your guide through the gritty world of Deadwood. In this episode, we’ll be...
“I prayed it would pass, but it’s a constant fucking sore spot and throb.” Welcome back to “Something Pretty,” your trusted companion on the journey through Deadwood’s third and final season. In this episode, titled “A Constant Throb,” your hosts,...
“I am going to fuck you up. I’m gonna fuck you up. And I’m the kind of cunt you’ll let close.” Welcome, loyal listeners, to another riveting episode of “Something Pretty.” In this installment, we dive deep into the penultimate...
“You mistake for fear, Mr. Bullock, what is in fact preoccupation. I’m having a conversation you cannot hear.” Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed audience, we’re at a poignant juncture in “Something Pretty,” presenting Episode 36, the culmination of our Deadwood journey....
As the “Something Pretty” podcast concludes its in-depth exploration of the “Deadwood” series, the journey is far from over. Before delving into “Deadwood: The Movie,” the podcast plans to take a detour to cover a few significant and related projects...
“Some things I know and some things I don’t know.” Welcome to the teaser for an exclusive Patreon podcast episode of “Something Pretty,” where we delve into the intriguing world of “John from Cincinnati,” HBO’s enigmatic series. In this special...
“We were in the back room putting things together from the ground up… Learning from those that came before – them that had a lot of blood on their hands.” Welcome to another episode of “Something Pretty,” where hosts Clay...
“You ever think, Bullock, of not going straight at a thing?” In this final episode of “Something Pretty” dedicated to “Deadwood,” Clay and Wes delve into “Deadwood: The Movie,” the last piece in the tapestry of the “Deadwood” saga. This...