102. Don’t Breathe (#94)

Attention all horror aficionados and fellow wheezing nerds, it’s time to take a deep breath and brace yourselves for the latest episode of The Rotten Horror Picture Show! In this pulse-pounding installment, Clay and Amanda are diving headfirst into the heart-stopping terror of the 2016 horror film, Don’t Breathe. But before we plunge into the darkness, allow me to introduce myself—I’m a lifelong nerd with asthma, and I’ve always struggled to hold my breath for more than 10 seconds.

While Clay and Amanda prepare to dissect the bone-chilling thrills of Don’t Breathe, I find myself facing a different kind of challenge. As a nerd with asthma, the very title of the film strikes fear into my wheezy heart, reminding me of every panicked moment when I couldn’t catch my breath.

Don’t Breathe promises to be a nail-biting rollercoaster ride of suspense and terror, but for someone like me, who can barely hold their breath long enough to blow out birthday candles, it’s a daunting prospect. Each tense moment of silence in the film leaves me gasping for air, desperately reaching for my inhaler like a lifeline.

As Clay and Amanda navigate the twists and turns of Don’t Breathe’s relentless tension, I’m left to marvel at their ability to endure the suspense without hyperventilating. It’s a testament to their horror expertise and a reminder that, even for nerds like me, there’s always room for a little adrenaline-fueled excitement.

So, as you prepare to join The Rotten Horror Picture Show’s coverage of Don’t Breathe, spare a thought for this wheezing nerd, clinging to their inhaler like a security blanket in the face of cinematic terror. And Clay, Amanda, if you’re out there, maybe you could send a little extra oxygen my way. With that said, let the horror unfold, and may we all emerge from the darkness with our lungs intact.

And don’t forget to check out Clay’s new comic book, Hard Style Juice, over at HardStyleJuice.com!

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