103. Slither (#156)

Greetings, horror enthusiasts and fellow earth-dwellers! It’s time for another squirm-inducing episode of The Rotten Horror Picture Show! Today, Clay and Amanda are slithering into the gooey, grotesque world of James Gunn’s 2006 horror comedy classic, Slither. Now, before we dive into this slimy spectacle, let me share a bit about myself—I’m an earthworm, and the mere thought of being hooked and used as fish bait makes my segments shiver!

While Clay and Amanda unearth the delightful horrors of Slither, I can’t help but feel a kinship with the film’s parasitic aliens. Just like those creepy crawlies, I’m constantly dodging danger, trying to avoid ending up on a fishing hook. The threat of being captured is a fear that looms over me daily, and James Gunn’s film hits uncomfortably close to home.

Slither is a deliciously grotesque blend of body horror and dark humor, featuring a small town overrun by sinister slugs that turn people into grotesque monsters. As Clay and Amanda dissect the film’s slimy charm and comedic twists, I find myself squirming with both fascination and dread.

For an earthworm like me, the horror in Slither isn’t just about the creepy critters; it’s the existential dread of being hunted, of having my wiggly body used for something so mundane as fish bait. As Clay and Amanda delve into the film’s brilliant blend of scares and laughs, I’ll be burrowing deeper into the safety of my earthy home, hoping to avoid the fate that befalls so many of my kind.

So, dear listeners, as you prepare to join The Rotten Horror Picture Show’s coverage of Slither, spare a thought for this humble earthworm, squirming with anxiety at the thought of being hooked. And Clay, Amanda, if you’re out there, maybe you could throw a little dirt my way for extra protection. With that said, let the slimy horror unfold, and may we all slither out unscathed!

And don’t forget to check out Clay’s new comic book, Hard Style Juice, over at HardStyleJuice.com!

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