85. The Birds (#38)

Alright, listen up folks, ’cause I gotta get somethin’ off my chest. The Rotten Horror Picture Show just covered Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, and let me tell ya, I was lookin’ forward to it ’til a damn seagull ruined my day.

You see, I was sittin’ there, minding my own business, enjoyin’ my sandwich like any normal person would. And outta nowhere, this pesky seagull swoops down and swipes my sandwich right outta my hand! I mean, come on! It’s like they knew I was excited to hear about The Birds, and they had to go and mess with me, right?

Now, The Rotten Horror Picture Show, they’re goin’ on about how brilliant the film is, how it’s a masterpiece of suspense and terror. But all I can think about is that rotten seagull and my stolen lunch! I can’t even concentrate on the episode ’cause all I see are those annoying birds, causin’ chaos and takin’ away my meal.

I’ll give ’em this, though – Clay and Amanda know their stuff. They’re discussing the film’s cinematography and Hitchcock’s masterful direction, but my mind keeps driftin’ back to that moment when the seagull swooped in and ruined my day. It’s like I’m watching The Birds unfold right before my eyes; only the real-life version is way more infuriating.

So, if you’re looking for a riveting episode on Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, The Rotten Horror Picture Show’s got you covered. But remember, watch out for those seagulls ’cause they’re out to get you, and they don’t care if you’re in the middle of a podcast or not. Pesky scavengers, they are. My sandwich still haunts my dreams.